Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Today someone told me that I am quite embittered for the young age of 24. This comment was spurred by the fact that my usual dripping sarcasm had turned into more of a flashflood throughout the day, as I felt the need to express my distaste for every other random thing I happened to think of. However, I do not think that this makes me bitter. I simply feel as though it means that all of my opinions are always right and anything that happens to contradict said opinions, are wrong. Is it my fault that many things tend to contradict my astute tastes? Not at all. Not everything can reach my heightened and refined expectations although the point of this blog is to weed out what doesn't and/or improve it to the point of my mighty approval.
SO ANYWAY, I decided to start this blog so that not only could I enlighten my soon to be many readers, but also to serve my own ego driven need for attention. Since everyone else with an ill perceived grasp of the English language and internet access has decided to do it, I thought that it was time I did as well. So here it is, my long awaited forum for rants, unfortunately in the form of the detested blog, but a necessity nonetheless, despite the vehicle, for society and mankind as a whole.

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