Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Blog Rant (Literally)

Today I signed up with Blogger. I chose Blogger because I happened to be reading a friend's blog (boring) and I decided that if so many assholes out there have blogs that people follow, then I should have one too because I am infinitely better than them. Also, I am lazy and all I had to do was click the icon to set up an account. Since I already have a Gmail account, this should have been a simple and easy process. Instead, like every other damn thing on the Internet, it required numerous steps and numerous repeats of said steps to get to the finalization process. Then Blogger felt the need to comment on the strength of my password (too short) as if someone possessing the mental capacity to hack a website or steal an identity is really going to waste their time and skill hacking into my humble (albeit increasingly relevant) blog. Blogger required me to revamp my password three different times before letting me proceed only to then inform me that my Gmail account did, in fact, already exist. No shit Blogger, that was one of the only reasons that I chose your shitty site because it was supposed to make this entire painful process that much easier. Thanks alot.

Blogs are dumb.

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